Why Mount Moriah?
In Genesis chapter 22, God called a man named Abraham to be faithful. Faithful in the form of being willing to give up his son on the alter of sacrifice. In response to his willingness, the Lord provided a ram for the sacrifice at Mount Moriah, to take the place of his son. This same mount later became the location of Solomon’s temple, and ultimately, the region of Moriah became where God provided his own son to be sacrificed as the ultimate provision of faithfulness, as payment for the sins of the world.
And so, it became known that “on the Mount of the Lord, it shall be provided.”
And so, it became known that “on the Mount of the Lord, it shall be provided.”
How It All Started...
In 1831, the people of this community were inspired to begin a church, calling it “Mount Moriah”. Just like Abraham, they trusted God to provide, and they were willing to follow Him in faith.
In 1832, faithful believers gave of their resources, and talents to build the first building at its present location on Old Garner Road. In 1834, the church was officially established with 19 members and by 1840, membership had grown to 76, meeting only once a month. The church began worshipping every Sunday in 1947
In 1832, faithful believers gave of their resources, and talents to build the first building at its present location on Old Garner Road. In 1834, the church was officially established with 19 members and by 1840, membership had grown to 76, meeting only once a month. The church began worshipping every Sunday in 1947

Throughout The Years
Mount Moriah has always had a heart for missions. We’ve been disciplined givers to missions organizations around the world. We’ve partnered with Clayton and Garner Area Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, Refugee Hope Partners, Raleigh Baptist Association, NC Baptists on Mission, NC Baptist Children’s Homes and more! We’ve sent and supported missionaries in short-term endeavors locally and around the world.
Mount Moriah’s history is one of lives dedicated to Christ, and changed by His grace. It’s a story of God, calling and equipping his people to bless the world. Generations of pastors, leaders, teachers, and faithful servants have contributed to the culture of this Christian family to make an eternal impact in thousands of lives.
Mount Moriah’s history is one of lives dedicated to Christ, and changed by His grace. It’s a story of God, calling and equipping his people to bless the world. Generations of pastors, leaders, teachers, and faithful servants have contributed to the culture of this Christian family to make an eternal impact in thousands of lives.
A Place to Call Home
Today, we continue to gather in worship, fellowship, education, and mission, as we seek to bring the Gospel to Life by training and equipping disciples to carry his light in their communities and beyond. We are more than a building, we are an expression of the Body of Christ entrusted with a mission to love God and love others, to take the Good News of Jesus to the world, and to invite others to know and follow Him. The specific activities and expressions of our faith may change through the years, but our mission of “bringing the Gospel to life” continues to guide us into the future as we strive to be faithful, trusting that God will do as He always does: Provide.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11 am.