Sunday School

Join us for fellowship, Sundays | 9:30am-10:45am
Stop by our hospitality station (downstairs) for coffee and a snack!


Sunday | 9:30am | Room #148
Learn about the foundation of our faith to discover how God brings us from death to life, from fallen to free.
For young adults, ages 18-35. Led by James & Julie Bullock.

Mixed Nuts

Sunday | 9:30am | Room #142
Interactive, discussion-driven group. We are mostly couples with school-aged children but anyone can find community in our group Led by Mandy & Eddie Hull.

The Living Word

Sunday | 9:30am | Room #150
Mixed aged adults walking through the Explore The Bible curriculum.  Led by Danna Freeman

Serving Hearts

Sunday | 9:30am | Room #144
We are a small group of single women over the age of 30.  We care for one another as we study and serve together.  We use various Bible book study curricula.  One Sunday per month, we serve in the infant nursery as we discuss our lesson.  Led by Carolyn Clark

Truth Seekers

Sunday | 9:30am | Room #161
For ages 55 and older Bible Studies for Life curriculum.  Led by Pat Jenkins and Nita Allen.  


Sunday | 9:30am | Room #162
For middle and older adults, couples & singles.  We enjoy staying connected by sharing meals and serving outside of class.  We use the Bible Studies for Life curriculum, and learn through lecture and discussion.  Led by Dean Isaacs.

Good News

Sunday | 9:30am | Room #154
We are a group of older adults, couples and singles.  We enjoy learning through discussion using the Bible Studies for Life curriculum.  Led by Rebecca Edwards

New Beginnings

Sunday | 9:30am | Room #141
For mixed ages, couples and singles.  We enjoy discussion around the table using the Bible Studies for Life curriculum.  Led by Michael Johnson


Sunday | 9:30am | Room #163
We love invigorating scriptural lessons and lively discussion from a variety of biblical series.  Led by Andy Brown


Sunday | 9:30am |
Bridal Room beside Sanctuary
In-depth Bible study lecture & discussion. Currently studying Lamentations: the book of How. Led by Warren Stuart.

Friendly Couples

Sunday | 9:30am | Fellowship Hall
We are a vibrant group of couples and singles, ages 50+.  We love sharing meals and supporting one another.  We study the Bible Studies for Life curriculum through lecture and discussion.  Led by Dawn Alligood.

Mary & Martha

Sunday | 9:30am | Sanctuary classroom
For mixed older adults, couples and singles.  We learn through lecture and discussion using the Bible Studies for Life curriculum.  Led by Charlie Barnes

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